Friday, October 15, 2010

Hermann Scheer died...

In one of his last interviews to Democracy Now he talks about the passion of his life, solar energy, a democratic and popular source. Solar is the energy of the multitude. He also talks about the fossil energy monopoly and how to brake it.


By AllOfUs

Monday, October 11, 2010

Rethinking social movements

In THIS new article we are focusing on the management and stabilization of a massive social movement. We describe a powerful tool for self-awareness and self-management based on the new technology.  

By AllOfUs

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Dialogue with Michel Bauwens

Interview by Yvette Dubel from Cultural Fusion

Yvette: Michel is best known as the founder of P2P Foundation, this is where I first encountered his work. Since then I have become increasingly interested in the implications of his work in the transformation of organizations in the face of the level of innovation needed to address our current challenges

Listen to internet radio with Yvette Dubel on Blog Talk Radio

By AllOfUs